For the Gods Now Gathering Over Omaha, Nebraska Nicole Scott Free Inquiry

after the Tri-Faith Initiative

Derek Mong

[note for typesetting: maintain all formatting]

We made you               because we needed someone to talk to.

We kept you                to give cursing more flair.

If perched still on some hardscrabble hillside,                        if bearded in our nightly despairs—


this Honda outruns a prayer.

See the temple at the end

of this highway’s bright tendril?

See its high-poled antennas poke holes in your clouds?

Its mosaics                  and interfaith pamphlets

bring believers together                    like a murder of crows.

O Gods, O.G.s of the Abrahamic squad,

how long I’ve shunned your songs            only to find you sharing quarters.

If one building’s big enough

to hold you all          should we suppose you’ve shrunken?

Is this expansion or rebranding?


This air seethes                        with the cicadas’ static;

These fields                             are hopscotched with soybean and wheat.

Windows down, alone

with my body’s sounds, I envy          any one

who is convinced you all are listening—

who does not feel                                   in a sunburn’s peel

this pride:                                                        I know that I will end.

I am blessed with a beginning.

after the Tri-Faith Initiative Derek Mong [note for typesetting: maintain all formatting] We made you               because we needed someone to talk to. We kept you                to give cursing more flair. If perched still on some hardscrabble hillside,                        if bearded in our nightly despairs— remember: this Honda outruns a prayer. See the temple at …