Ouija Boards Cause 28 Schoolgirls to be Hospitalized in Colombia P-admin Atheist Republic

Read More Atheist Republic Twenty-eight school girls in Colombia were sent to the hospital after allegedly suffering from anxiety attacks after playing with Ouija boards in their school.

28 Schoolgirls Collapse, Hospitalised In Columbia After Playing With Ouija Boards Used To ‘Contact The Dead’ | Sahara Reporters https://t.co/4wO5N2fVdr pic.twitter.com/GNCcXPewyg
— Sahara Reporters (@SaharaReporters) March 8, 2023
The girls were hospitalized after passing out and collapsing while playing with Ouija boards at the Galeras Educational Institution, located in the city of Pasto, southern Colombia. The girls reportedly suffered signs of “fainting, anxiety, and other symptoms,” leading the staff to bring the girls to a nearby hospital for immediate treatment.
Concerned teachers and directors of the school also went to the hospital with the students to assess their situation and to wait for an update on their condition.

Nearly 30 school girls have been hospitalized with anxiety attacks after allegedly playing with Ouija boards at their school in Colombia.Thoughts???#OuijaBoards #SchoolGirls #Lovelytitv pic.twitter.com/DPKwtjDMG0
— lovelyti (@lovelyti) March 8, 2023
Parents of the students blamed the Ouija boards for the incident. One mother, who also worked at the hospital, urged other parents to investigate what happened at the school after the incident.
“I work here in a hospital kiosk, and every day I see three or four children arrive after fainting.” The mother said. “Our children always have a good breakfast, and it cannot be said that what’s happening is due to lack of food.” she added. 
However, the head of the school, Hugo Torres, refuted such claims and advised the public to refrain from making judgments that might cause unnecessary panic in the community.
“There were 28 possible cases of anxiety in school students. Given the reported cases, a series of comments were unleashed on the community that, rather than helping to resolve the situation, led to confusion and an adverse environment for our work.” Torres said, denouncing some residents for adding panic to the community.
“For this reason, INEGA (Galeras Educational Institution) is allowed to report that the students were referred to the local municipal hospital according to protocols in place. Directors and teachers accompanied the students during the evaluation process. The respective parents and/or guardians were informed of the situation at the time.” he also added.

These girls have probably picked up demons playing with that occult board and they will more than likely need deliverance. God help our young people!
— Shaun Suthie (@shaunnaps) March 8, 2023
Torres also mentioned that the first two female students rushed to the hospital had underlying medical conditions.
“The school is waiting for the medical diagnoses to provide further reliable information. The educational institute also respectfully asks citizens to refrain from making early judgments and diagnoses of their own.” he said.
It wouldn’t be the first time such an incident happened in the South American country of 51 million, the majority of which are Roman Catholics. In November last year, 11 teenagers passed out after using an Ouija board at another school in Colombia.

I know people think the occult / voodoo /rituals etc is just something fun to play with and especially because of how it’s portrayed on tv in recent years but these are very dark spiritual practices and I think people have somehow been brainwashed into thinking they aren’t.
— Black Diamond (@vinny_chic) March 8, 2023
Five of the teenagers between the ages of 13 and 17 were rushed to the hospital and suffered symptoms such as vomiting, abdominal pain, and muscle spasms. The Ouija boards were also blamed for the incident, but it was later discovered that the victims suffered from food poisoning.