
Andrew Doyle — How the Religion of Social Justice Captured the Western World Skeptic Skeptic

Read More Skeptic Shermer and Doyle discuss: terminology of: PC, identity politics, woken, social justice, antifa, BLM, TERF, intersectionality • Critical Social Justice as a witch craze • Satanic Panic (1980s) • Recovered Memory Movement (1990s) • How widespread is the problem: minor skirmishes on social media or mainstream? • Hill-Harris 2021 poll: 32% voters

Andrew Doyle — How the Religion of Social Justice Captured the Western World Skeptic Skeptic Read More »

Abortion: The Case for Choice Michael Shermer Skeptic

Read More Skeptic The Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice positions on the contentious abortion issue outline the terms of the debate. In this article Michael Shermer defends the position of choice and women’s reproductive rights as the most moral and rational position, even while acknowledging that Pro-Life proponents have good arguments. Ultimately this issues comes down to

Abortion: The Case for Choice Michael Shermer Skeptic Read More »

Stephen Bloom on Jane Elliott’s Famous Experiment on Race and Brutality and What It Reveals About Today’s Racial Divide Skeptic Skeptic

Read More Skeptic Shermer and Bloom discuss: “Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes” — Jane Elliott famous racism experiment • reactions to it (in the classroom, locally, nationally, internationally) • whether the “experiment” was really more of a demonstration • public interest, from Johnny Carson to Oprah Winfrey • the questionable ethics of the experiment • what it reveals

Stephen Bloom on Jane Elliott’s Famous Experiment on Race and Brutality and What It Reveals About Today’s Racial Divide Skeptic Skeptic Read More »

OPEN DISCUSSION SEPTEMBER 2022 Moderator Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science

Read More Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science This thread has been created for thoughtful, rational discussion on subjects for which there are not currently any dedicated threads. Please note that our Comment Policy applies as usual. There is a link to this at the foot of the page. If you would like to

OPEN DISCUSSION SEPTEMBER 2022 Moderator Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science Read More »

Deepfake: How to Determine if a Doctored Photograph, Video, or Audio Recording is Real Tim Redmond Skeptic

Read More Skeptic As computer’s grow ever more powerful and computer programs—especially those involved in voice and image manipulation—the threat of “deepfakes” grows, and with it the problem of both personal and national crisis looms. Personally, someone could created a deepfake sex tape of someone and blackmail them; nationally, a foreign power could create a

Deepfake: How to Determine if a Doctored Photograph, Video, or Audio Recording is Real Tim Redmond Skeptic Read More »

Marian Tupy & Gale Pooley — Superabundance: The Story of Population Growth, Innovation, and Human Flourishing on an Infinitely Bountiful Planet Skeptic Skeptic

Read More Skeptic Shermer, Tupy, and Pooley discuss: why we long for the “good ol’ days” • the Malthusian trap • Ehrlich’s predictions on overpopulation • the birth dearth • the Simon Abundance Index • compound interest • What does it mean for the economy to grow 2–3% a year? • accumulating wealth • what

Marian Tupy & Gale Pooley — Superabundance: The Story of Population Growth, Innovation, and Human Flourishing on an Infinitely Bountiful Planet Skeptic Skeptic Read More »

Sabine Hossenfelder — Existential Physics: A Scientist’s Guide to Life’s Biggest Questions Skeptic Skeptic

Read More Skeptic What is time? Does the past still exist? How did the universe begin and how will it end? Do particles think? Was the universe made for us? Why doesn’t anyone ever get younger? Has physics ruled out free will? Will we ever have a theory of everything? To examine these ideas, Shermer

Sabine Hossenfelder — Existential Physics: A Scientist’s Guide to Life’s Biggest Questions Skeptic Skeptic Read More »

Konstantin Kisin — An Immigrant’s Love Letter to the West Skeptic Skeptic

Read More Skeptic Shermer and Kisin discuss: growing up in Russia • “The Talk” Russian parents give their children • What is the “West” and how do Russians view it • Should Whites feel some guilt for slavery, racism, misogyny, bigotry, etc.? • systemic racism: criminal justice, housing, employment, income, wealth • Critical Race Theory

Konstantin Kisin — An Immigrant’s Love Letter to the West Skeptic Skeptic Read More »